
  • SciREN

    Scientific Research & Education Network

    The Scientific Research and Education Network (SciREN) aims to connect local STEM researchers and educators to foster the dissemination of current research and ultimately enhance the science literacy of today’s youth.

    SciREN offers researchers the opportunity to create and share classroom-ready exercises with educators and to inspire students by bringing their work to life in local classrooms. Through both the annual SciREN networking event and a lesson plan writing workshop, SciREN supports researchers in their efforts to develop broader impacts, enhance outreach and communication skills, and network with local educators and researchers. Networking can also lead to future collaborations, classroom visits, and a stronger background in outreach for grant applications.



  • Young Dawgs

    University of Georgia

    The University of Georgia Young Dawgs Program is a high school internship program designed to prepare high-achieving high school juniors and seniors for post-secondary education and future careers in their areas of interest. The program is open to students from public, private, and home schools. Students are required to have a GPA of at least 3.7 in order to participate.

    Since the Young Dawgs program started in 2008, 1100 high school participants from public, private, and homeschool environments were hosted in over 440 different work sites.


    Young Dawgs

  • Experience UGA

    Clarke County School District

    Experience UGA is a partnership between the Clarke County School District and the University of Georgia, which aims to bring Clarke County students (PreK-12) to the Athens campus each year. Through a variety of field trips, students participate in hands-on, curricular-based learning activities that are motivated by the fact that increased exposure to college life through Experience UGA fosters interest in the pursuit of higher education among Clarke County students.


    Experience UGA

  • National Science Bowl

    Department of Energy - Office of Science

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Science Bowl is a nationwide academic competition that tests students in all areas of science and mathematics. Middle and high school student teams from diverse backgrounds are comprised of four students, one alternate, and a teacher who serves as an advisor and coach. The teams face-off in a fast-paced question-and-answer format, being tested on a range of science disciplines including biology, chemistry, Earth science, physics, energy, and math.


    National Science Bowl