
  • Combustion Science
    CHEM 8970 / MCHE 8970

    Fundamental science of combustion, with emphasis on chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and quantum mechanics.

    Introduces fundamental concepts related to the use of hydrocarbons and biofuels as sources of transportation energy for advanced combustion technologies. Topics include chemical bonding and molecular structure, theory/mathematics of combustion, chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, potential energy surfaces, collision theory, ignition dynamics, pollutant formation, and related topics applied to combustion.



  • Gas Dynamics
    MCHE 8850

    Kinetic theory of gases, Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, shock wave physics, thermodynamics and fluid dynamics of compressible flow.

    Fundamental physics of equilibrium properties and molecular motion in gases using kinetic theory as an underlying model. Physics of gas flows in propulsion devices, including gas turbine and rocket engines. Emphasis is placed on fluid mechanics and thermodynamics, including compressible flow, shock waves, and supersonic wind tunnels. Specific topics include inlets and nozzles, combustors and afterburners, and rocket engine design and performance.



  • Combustion and Flames
    MCHE 4530 / MCHE 6530

    Introduction to combustion and flame physics.

    Fundamentals of thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, and mass transfer in laminar and turbulent flames in combustion systems. Introduction to principles of chemical kinetics, explosions, supersonic combustion, deflagration and detonation, and ignition dynamics. Application of combustion physics and chemistry to stationary gas turbines for power generation, internal combustion engines, and combustion systems in propulsion systems.



  • Advanced Thermal Fluid Systems
    MCHE 4500 / MCHE 6500

    Advanced concepts in thermodynamics and fluid dynamics with application to propulsion.

    Introduction to compressible flow and shock wave physics, fluid dynamics and design characteristics of supersonic rocket nozzles, Fanno flow, and Rayleigh flow.

